While they aren’t “real” teeth, your dentures still need regular care and maintenance. Neglecting them will lead to treatment failure, ruining your restored smile in the process. With that said, you may worry: What if you don’t know how to look after these special prosthetics? There’s no reason to panic or doubt; your local Northbrook dentist has you covered. Just keep reading to learn four great tips on taking care of your dentures over time.
Remember to Brush Them Daily
To keep your dentures clean and strong, you should brush them every day. This habit (among others) ensures your restorations work for the long haul.
Brushing dentures isn’t that hard, all things considered. You just need to brush them gently (after removing them from your mouth) with a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive cleanser. At the same time, make sure you don’t use toothpaste; its ingredients damage denture materials. You can also clean the grooves that fit against your gums if you often use denture adhesive.
Remove & Rinse After Meals
It’s always best to tidy yourself after a meal. Given that fact, please remove and rinse your dentures once you’ve finished eating something.
Remember, dentures tend to pick up a lot of food debris. Such “leftovers” can get wedged between your prosthetics and inflame (or infect) your gums if left alone. To avoid that outcome, you’ll want to rinse your restorations in a sink after eating. Putting a towel in your sink would also help; it’d keep your dentures from breaking due to a fall.
Do Overnight Soaks
Dentures may seem lifelike, but you really shouldn’t wear them to bed. The better move is to soak them overnight (in a cleansing solution) while you sleep.
It comes down to how constant denture use is unhealthy. If you wear the prosthetics overnight, they’ll irritate your gums and accumulate harmful bacteria. Your prosthetics would also affect your saliva flow and make denture stomatitis more likely.
Get Regular Denture Checks
Even the best patients can’t protect their dentures all on their own. Given that fact, remember to get dental checkups for your restorations.
The truth is that dentists are the premier experts in oral appliances. Thanks to their advanced knowledge, they can tell you if your denture is ill-fitting, causing oral issues, etc. They’ll then perform adjustments or get you replacements as needed.
Taking care of dentures is an effort, but it’s a worthwhile one. Keep that in mind as you maintain your restored smile!
About the Practice
Northbrook Dental Group is based in Northbrook, IL. Led by Drs. James and Justin Woodruff, our practice is always eager and happy to help your mouth thrive. We embody that truth with preventive, cosmetic, and restorative treatments tailored to your smile’s specific needs. When combined with our gentle approach, these procedures can transform any teeth and gums! For more details or to book a visit, please contact us on our website or by phone at (847)-272-0049.