Root Canal Therapy – Northbrook, IL
End Your Toothache & Save Your Tooth

A severe toothache is one of the most distracting types of pain. It can interfere with your life and make it almost impossible to eat your favorite foods. Here at Northbrook Dental Group, we deeply sympathize with anyone who is suffering! After a thorough examination, we might recommend that you undergo root canal therapy, an emergency restorative treatment that has the potential to end your toothache and save your tooth. Continue reading below to learn more about this remarkable procedure.
Why Choose Northbrook Dental Group for Root Canal Therapy?
- Thorough & Compassionate Dentists and Team
- Prevent the Need for a Tooth Extraction
- Flexible Financial Options
Do I Need Root Canal Therapy?

The center layer of each tooth is known as the pulp. It contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues. Typically, root canal therapy is necessary when the pulp becomes infected or damaged, which may be the result of dental decay or an accident, such as what might occur during sports.
Here are some signs that might indicate the need for root canal therapy:
- You have a severe, throbbing toothache.
- A tooth is darker than the ones around it.
- There is a pimple-like bump on your gums.
- There is visible damage to a tooth.
- A tooth is extremely sensitive to hot and cold temperatures.
The Root Canal Process

The first thing we will do during your appointment is numb your mouth. You might feel a bit of pressure while we work, but you should not experience any real pain. Many people compare the experience to getting a simple filling!
Once you are settled in, we will carefully access the interior of your tooth and use special instruments to clean out the infected pulp. We will also remove the tooth’s nerve so it can no longer send pain signals to your brain. Then, we will fill in the tooth with an inert material before placing a temporary crown on top of it. Later, the temporary crown should be replaced by a permanent restoration.
The Benefits of Getting a Root Canal

Root canal therapy has an unfavorable reputation, but it is actually a highly advantageous treatment! Here are some of its many benefits:
- Prevent the need for an extraction. This can save you from a gap in your smile and spare you from the expense of tooth replacement.
- Preserve your natural smile. Dental crowns can look very natural; no one may ever know that you had to undergo treatment.
- High success rate. Most root canal treatments are successful. In many cases, they provide lifelong results.
- Easy maintenance. Caring for a root canal-treated tooth and crown is easy. Oral hygiene and regular dental visits are both important.